An opensource Nextcloud collaborative suite with OnlyOffice Docs or Collabora for all activities.

Open IT Store, a website for all those interested in free software hosted on shared or dedicated servers according to your choice.
On the other hand, you are looking for integrated and secure services, this is included in the offers of Open IT Store.
You want to share, collaborate, store and backup your data... Then it's Nextcloud and OnlyOffice Docs or Collabora for a complete office suite.
You are all concerned whether companies, non-profits, schools, education, training and the liberal professions. The same applies to auto-entrepreneurs, craftsmen, merchants, institutions, elected officials, individuals and others... Free software is a real alternative to proprietary software. It is in millions of installations today and still growing strongly.
Your questions about IT inevitably come up :
- Where is the data going ? - Who has access ? - Do they stay private ? - What software used ? What servers used ? These questions allow you to become aware of taking action.
- For a company, would you be ready to entrust internal information that may come under commercial secret. Obviously not.
- For an individual you do not want to ask your questions and you opt for a solution other than those of traditional players.
In a world where data protection and lower costs are in demand. Free software is "a breath of fresh air" and synonymous with the common good. The spirit of free software is to make knowledge accessible to everyone. Independence is an essential factor and allows for better quality. The ecosystem reacts faster and better. The community that has been created around this Nextcloud software is large in number and in contributions. This ensures the quality, security and evolutions of the software. Self-hosted solutions allow you to benefit from the service provider's professional expertise. This helps to know where your data is, who has access to it and that your metadata is not leaked.
It should be noted that the current laws are not sufficient and that no one knows with certainty whether the stored data is read or not and if so according to which criterion.
To know more :
Nextcloud Hub 24 a major overhaul with dedicated Calendar and Contacts backup and restore options. The Android app introduces an improved video player for streaming. Nextcloud mail presentation is improved. Nextcloud Talk allows you to verify the configuration. Nextcoud Hub now integrates Nextcloud Office developed with Collabora Productivity.
You want to discover Nextcloud go to the site :
Let's discover Nextcloud as free open source software. Nextcloud a real "best of".
It is a collaborative platform, one of the most efficient on the market that combines security, confidentiality and control.
The interest of free software is precise functionality, proven profitability, reliability and security. But also the respect of standards, the guarantee of freedom, independence, a guarantee of durability and an economy. It's about taking charge of your private life, both individually and collectively, because not all solutions are created equal. This will facilitate the choice of your supplier because you are not a product, nor a commodity.
Nextcloud allows you to store your files (documents, photos, videos, notes, bookmark management, etc.). Your contacts, calendars and bookmarks on your own self-hosted cloud that requires a server or hosting.
to know more :
Many plugins are available to obtain a powerful office suite. You can set up a password manager, a videoconference and so many other possibilities. The set allowing everyone to find their solution adapted to the real needs of each and modifiable at any time. The files are synchronized and are accessible from all terminals (mobile/tablet/computer).
With Openitstore, you benefit from professional expertise and help. You master the use of solutions. It is to privilege security, confidentiality, control, backup, updates, support.
We recommend going for self-hosted solutions on dedicated servers. The cloud is on the way to becoming an almost obligatory comfort for different reasons. It means increasing storage, protecting against data loss, eliminating maintenance, guaranteed backup. It is to increase the unparalleled ease of sharing both between devices and between users.
The characteristics of Nextcloud.
Nextcloud is basically free software installed on a server, with access interfaces and numerous applications. Nextcloud can replace a storage server (NAS, Windows server) and allows access to data. The use of communication standards (webdav) is possible for a plethora of terminals. You can add Moodle, Zammad, You also have Talk for videoconferencing which dialogues with Teams, Slack, IRC, Matrix.
There is no limit of users, you define yourself the users who are entitled. Each user can share directories or files with other defined users.
There is no limit to the number of terminals that can connect to your Nextcloud account. You can use this solution on PC (Windows, Mac OS, Linux) and on mobile/tablet (Android, and IOS).
The list of browsers supported by Nextcloud are :
- Mozilla firefox
- Google Chrome
- Safari
- Microsoft Edge
To stay safe, you have to be in the version of the day. You should never neglect this point for any application used. Assured confidentiality is non-negotiable because privacy is a fundamental human right. We must favor turnkey solutions with proven customer service.
Nextcloud is giving your files omnipresence. It's sharing your files with anyone internally or externally by setting the access rights yourself. It's synchronizing your files on your workstation and accessing them from any terminal at any time.
Office suite included: OnlyOffice Docs and Collabora (Nextcloud Office)
Beyond the software, it is necessary to integrate its ability to have a complete office suite with the Collabora Online integration based on LibreOffice which supports all the main document formats. These are the spreadsheets, presentation files that work on all browsers. WYSIWYG rendering is high fidelity.
You can use OnlyOffice Docs to create, view, edit documents, spreadsheets, and presentations of any size and complexity. It is also full compatibility with Microsoft Office formats. The number of simultaneous accesses is possible according to your needs.
Nextcloud integrates Talk for your communications to give you better protection by ensuring that your data stays on the servers.
To know more :
The whole thing may seem complex, Open IT store is there to advise you and you can test the solution that suits you for free for one month and you no longer have to worry about backups, software updates and benefit from a support function in the event of a problem.
The different choices available to you, individual access account, dedicated or shared server but also the packs.
- Individual access account for individuals, auto-entrepreneurs, non-profits :
This is a single user workstation, with regular updating of Nextcloud and applications activated. There is a daily backup and OnlyOffice Docs and/or Collabora.

- Dedicated service
For family use, a company, craftsmen, merchants, education, training, institutions, elected officials... These are multi-users, with administration rights, daily backup and OnlyOffice Docs and/or Collabora.

- Nextcloud packs
They include domain names/mailboxes, third-party applications (for example WordPress, Matomo, Dolibarr. It is multi-user, with administration rights, daily backup.

We understood that many customers were looking for "formatted" solutions. We have created mini packs, standard packs, collaboration packs and business packs.
The objectives are to satisfy everyone's needs according to existing needs. This can serve as a starting point and can be completed over time.
The services included in the Open IT Store offers
- Monitoring and support
Our services are based on solid infrastructure. High-performance Linux servers, redundant storage disks, from 250Mbps to 1 Gbps network speed per server. Supervision 365/365 days a year, allowing us to be reactive in the event of a problem. By email within half a day, 99% of tickets closed in less than a day. Real expertise on Nextcloud with more than a thousand customers and thousands of daily users. This allows us to respond to your requests, help you use your applications and support you in the event of a problem.
- Security
Protections : encryption of access and backup, hardening of operating systems, anti DDos (against denial of service). Firewalling (access filtering), anti-brute force.
Certifications: ISO/IEC 27001 and 27002 (information security management) for all our server suppliers.
Best practices : applications of ANSSI guides (National (French) Agency for the Security of Information Systems) . Verification with vulnerability scanners (open VAS, Nextcloud security scanner..).
Compliance : in application of European laws, the GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) is applied for all of our services. We establish a DPA (data process agreement) upon request to our customers.
- Other services included
Full backup (user data, Nextcloud database and files) outsourced to another server. It is secure (encrypted exchanges and datacenter different from the production department). This backup is daily and incremental, guaranteeing the minimum loss of data in the event of a disaster.
We are sensitive to the place of accommodation according to your location and on sustainable accommodation for the planet. Our suppliers are chosen for their energy supply policy.
For any question or special request. You want to have a free trial then get in touch :
The most used opensource software with Open IT Store are :
- Nextcloud with OnlyOffice Docs et Collabora to have a collaborative platform and the office suite.
- Dolibarr to have a collaborative platform and the office suite.
- Nextcloud Talk - BigBlueButton - Moodle for modern video conferencing with security for learning and training tools.
- WordPress et Matomo for a website.
- Ghost for a blog on your website.
- Rocket-Chat a communications platform.
- and others like Peertube - Bookstack - Firelly iii - Snipe IT - ...
- We have created packs that combine the different software to meet the needs of most customers.